Federal University of Santa Catarina

Remote Experiment Lab

The Remote Experiment Lab, in our first project, allows real experiments with 8051 microcontroller to those who do not have the device and auxiliaries components in their labs for the experiments. It is our intention, as soon as possible, to expand the possibilities of use of Re-Lab. Our purpose is to allow interactions between the microcontroller and external world. A TV cam can be used to send to users images showing the possible efects of their programs in the environment of the experiment. If you liked these possible improvements, keep an eye on our Home-Page. !

New Projects

At the moment, we are finishing a project that allows users to run remotely Forth for 8051. The project involves a board containing 8052 microcontroller with Forth interpreter in its internal ROM. This 8052 can be controlled and reset through Internet.
Another pages in the area:

Texas Instruments and TechOnline Virtual Lab

Carnegie Mellon Virtual

LabUniversity of Western Australia's Telerobot

Last updated in 18/12/96
For more information or comments contact cleber@inf.ufsc.br