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Nesta página você encontrará referências para uma série de sites importantes  em Informática na Saúde.  Classificamos os links por área. Para a área de Normas e Standards criamos uma página especial.


  1. Sociedades e Organizações Dedicadas à Informática na Saúde
  2. Pacotes de Software Livre para eHealth, HIS, PACS, etc
  3. Periódicos de Informática Médica

Sociedades e Organizações Dedicadas à Informática na Saúde


  • Federação Européia de Informática Médica
  • HIMSS - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society -  Is the healthcare industry's membership organization exclusively focused on the optimal use of healthcare information technology and management systems.
  • AHIMA American Health Information Management Association  - Is the community of professionals engaged in health information management, providing support to members and strengthening the industry and profession.
  • AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - Is the US Federal agency charged with improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care. As one of 12 agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, AHRQ supports health services research that will improve the quality of health care and promote evidence-based decisionmaking.
  • ASTM Committee E31 on Healthcare Informatics. Develops standards related to the architecture, content, storage, security, confidentiality, functionality, and communication of information used within healthcare and healthcare decision making, including patient-specific information and knowledge. 
  • eHealth Initiative - The eHealth Initiative and the Foundation for eHealth Initiative are independent, non-profit affiliated organizations whose missions are the same: to drive improvement in the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare through information and information technology. 
  • Connecting for Health - Has played a leading role in defining the policy and technical challenges to connectivity in health care and forged a broad consensus on how to address them, and we continue to work on achieving consensus on the next set of policy and technical challenges. Currently, we are also focused on implementing "real world" health information exchange and encouraging consumer participation in the development of this new health information environment.
  • CHIDS - Center for Health Information and Decision Systems at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland is an academia-led effort with collaboration from industry and government affiliates, designed to research, analyze, and recommend solutions to challenges surrounding the introduction and integration of information and decision technologies into the health care system.
  • SCAR - Society for Computer Applications in Radiology. is devoted to advance computer applications and information technology in medical imaging through education and research. A fundamental role of SCAR is to bridge the gap between engineers and scientists who develop the systems and radiologists and technologists who use them. SCAR provides an open environment for imaging information professionals to access expert and cutting edge resources in a collegial and practical atmosphere.  Membership in SCAR is open to anyone with an interest in this vital and growing field.
  • Health On the Net Foundation is the leading organization promoting and guiding the deployment of useful and reliable online medical and health information, and its appropriate and efficient use. Created in 1995, HON is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, accredited to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
  • IEEE Committtee 1073  - Medical Device Communications.The IEEE 1073 committee is chartered under the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
  • Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides timely, accurate and comparable information. Our data and reports inform health policies, support the effective delivery of health services and raise awareness among Canadians of the factors that contribute to good health.
  • Além disso: XML in Clinical Research and Healthcare Industries (XML Coverpages) - Excelente página com MUITOS links para outras sites de órgãos de normatização e comitês, inclusive os do alto desta página, com informações sobre tendências e atualidades na utilização e desenvolvimento de normas baseadas em uma codificação utilizando a sintaxe XML. 
Pacotes de Software Livre para eHealth, HIS, PACS, etc

1. Imagens Médicas e Telemedicina

  • Cyclops Medical Station (Cyclops) - Cliente DICOM/Telemedicina/Workstation Radiológica
  • DICOMscope - DICOM Viewer (OFFIS) - Visualizador de imagens DICOM
  • DCMTK - DICOM Toolkit  (OFFIS) - Servidor/cliente DICOM e várias outras ferramentas DICOM em ANSI "C" multiplataforma (Windows/Unix/Linux).
  • DCMPRINT - Print Management (OFFIS) - Use uma impressora laser comum como printer DICOM com todos os seus equipamentos radiológicos.
  • DICOM Software made by OFFIS - Página de todos os utilitários de imagem médica da Iniciativa de de Software Livre da Universidade de Oldenburg.
  • David Clunie's dicom3tools - This toolkit converts a multitude of proprietory image formats to DICOM. It also contains tools for processing DICOM files.
  • Mallinckrodt CTN software - The Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis,USA, has developed a DICOM implementation for the RSNA. This software has been maintained and used at RSNA InfoRAD's DICOM demonstrations since 1992.
  • UCDAVIS DICOM implementation - DICOM implementation from the University of California at Davis, USA. This software can be compiled on Windows and MacOS.
  • Brown University DICOM implementation - An implementation for storage media exchange of lossless compressed DICOM images. 
  • PACS Pulse. A database driven PHP based web site designed to provide a performance analysis tool of DICOM picture archiving traffic. This tool is designed for PACS administrators working in a hospital environment trying to understand their performance bottleneck.
2. Administração Hospitalar, HIS, PEP (EPR)
  • CARE2X - Pacote de Administração Hospitalar (HIS) e Prontuário Eletrônico de Paciente (PEP/ERP) italiano multilingual (inclusive Português Brasileiro) em PHP/Java de código aberto. Implementa um protocolo próprio de serviços de eHealth parecido com HL7. MUITO bom, tudo pode se feito através de browser, significando que é meio passo para disponibilizar uma série de serviços de seu hospital online. Download pode ser feito no SourceForge. (este software é discutido em aula)
  • Pflege Portal - Web Based Hospital Information System i.e for quality assurance (bedsore, decubitus ulcer) in Germany. Written in Perl and tested on MySQL. Works with HTML templates. Easy to modify. Available from any workstation through a Browser. Modular and scalable.

  • Hospital OS - A hospital information system for small-sized hospitals (100 beds or less, 200 out-patients per day or less). Hospital OS was developed for the healthcare system of Thailand targeting its small community hospitals nation-wide.
  • HIMS - Hospital Information Management System: An Integrated open source system for information management in hospitals.
  • jL7 - Java HL7 library. It's aim is to make it easier to write HL7 interfaces between medical systems. In a later phase of this project, it should allow to build a HIS (Hospital Information System). 
  • HL7 server and client software - A library (DLL for Windows initially) of functions to request patient data from a hospital information system (ZIS in Dutch) The library can be used to allow for MS-Access Basic programs (or any other program language on the windows platform)
Periódicos de Informática Médica

1. Periódicos exclusivamente Online

  • e-Health Insider - E-Health Insider is the only independent online news and information service dedicated to UK healthcare information technology. 
  • Healthcare Informatics Online - A monthly business magazine that provides timely, high-quality intelligence about information technology for the executives and managers on the IT decision-making team in healthcare facilities and organizations of every type.
2. Periódicos em Papel disponíveis Online
  • IJMI - International Journal of Medical Informatics - Periódico mais importante na área. The Journal provides an international medium for dissemination of original results and interpretative reviews concerning the field of medical informatics.The scope of the journal covers:  Information systems, including national or international registration systems, hospital information systems, departmental and/or physician's office systems, document handling systems, electronic medical record systems, standardization systems integration etc.;

  • • Organizational, economic, social, ethical and cost-benefit aspects of IT applications in health care; Computer-aided medical decision support systems using heuristic, algorithmic and/or statistical methods as exemplified in decision theory, protocol development, artificial intelligence, etc. Evaluations of educational computer based programs pertaining to medical informatics or medicine in general. The emphasis is on the description of clinically evaluated systems. Short technical communications concerning (solved) problems in implementing or using existing information systems are welcome. Review articles concerning subjects falling in the scope of the journal are also invited. 
  • Journal of Biomedical Informatics (formerly Computers and Biomedical Research) Published articles are motivated by applications in the biomedical sciences (for example, clinical medicine, health care, population health, imaging, and bioinformatics). The journal emphasizes reports of new methodologies and techniques that have general applicability and that form the basis for the evolving science of biomedical informatics.
  • Medical Informatics & The Internet in Medicine (descrição online aqui). Itpromotes the application of analysis, inference and reasoning to medical information, including expert systems and the use of artificial intelligence techniques. There is no restriction on the kind of medical information dealt with - it may be hospital management information, patient records, clinical examinations, laboratory results, physiological measurements, medical images of all kinds, primary care information and epidemiology. The journal is also concerned with the gathering and organization of data and knowledge, and with applications to medical education.
  • JDI - Journal of Digital Imaging (link alternativo aqui). Apesar de o nome não dizer, é um journal voltado exclusivamente para imagens médicas digitais e assuntos de eHealth que envolvam imagens (ver about). 
Observação importante: Todo periódico seguido do logo  faz parte das revistas assinadas pelo Portal CAPES que por sua vez é assinado pela Biblioteca Virtual da UFSC. Para acessar "full content" os artigos desses periódicos você deve estar em um computador conectado em rede Internet com IP da UFSC (iniciando por, o que você pode conseguir através de (a) uso de um computador na UFSC, como por exemplo na sala de computadores da Biblioteca Universitária, (b) conectar-se ao RAS-UFSC via acesso discado ou (c) usar um provedor ADSL ou Internet Radio qualquer e cadastrar-se para acesso VPN (Rede Privada Virtual) em um provedor da UFSC (talvez o seu laboratório possua um, caso contrário informe-se junto ao RAS UFSC). Médicos atuantes no HU/UFSC possuem o direito de obter uma conta VPN no servidor do Laboratório de Telemedicina. Por favor informe-se com o Professor.
Última atualização 24/03/2006