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Terminal Symbols


WHITESPACE                {" "|"\n"|"\t"}                     /* whitespaces */                       
BLANKS_TABS               {" "|"\t"}                          /* only blanks or tabs */
W_COL_SEP                 (" "|"\n"|"\t") {" "|"\n"|"\t"} "|" {" "|"\n"|"\t"} 
                          /* at least one blank and the column separation */ 
COL_SEP                   {" "|"\n"|"\t"} "|" {" "|"\n"|"\t"}  /* column separation */ 
COMMA                     {" "|"\n"|"\t"} "," {" "|"\n"|"\t"}  /* at least the comma */
EOL                       {" "|"\n"|"\t"} "\n" {" "|"\n"|"\t"} /* at least "\n" */
CUT                       {" "|"\n"|"\t"} (" "|"\n"|"\t") {" "|"\n"|"\t"} 
                          /* at least a blank, "\t", or "\n" */
COLON                     ":"

/* separation lines for different tables */

TWO_COLUMN_LINE           "-"+"|""-"+
THREE_COLUMN_LINE         "-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+
FOUR_COLUMN_LINE          "-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+
SIX_COLUMN_LINE           "-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+
SEVEN_COLUMN_LINE         "-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+
TEN_COLUMN_LINE           "-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+"|""-"+

COMMENT                   {{" "|"\n"|"\t"} "#" CSTRING "\n" {" "|"\n"|"\t"}} 

VERSION                   "V1.4-3D" | "V2.1" | "V3.0" /* version of SNNS */
SNNS                      "SNNS network definition file"  /* output file header */

/* eleven different headers */

GENERATED_AT              "generated at"
NETWORK_NAME              "network name :"
SOURCE_FILES              "source files"
NO.OF_UNITES              "no. of unites :"
NO.OF_CONNECTIONS         "no. of connections :"
NO.OF_UNIT_TYPES          "no. of unit types :"
NO.OF_SITE_TYPES          "no. of site types :"
LEARNING_FUNCTION         "learning function :"
PRUNING_FUNCTION          "pruning function :"
FF_LEARNING_FUNCTION      "subordinate learning function :"
UPDATE_FUNCTION           "update function :"

/* titles of the different sections */

UNIT_SECTION_TITLE        "unit definition section"
DEFAULT_SECTION_TITLE     "unit default section"
SITE_SECTION_TITLE        "site definition section"
TYPE_SECTION_TITLE        "type definition section"
CONNECTION_SECTION_TITLE  "connection definition section"
LAYER_SECTION_TITLE       "layer definition section"
SUBNET_SECTION_TITLE      "subnet definition section"
TRANSLATION_SECTION_TITLE "3D translation section"
TIME_DELAY_SECTION_TITLE  "time delay section"

/* column-titles of the different tables */ 

NO                        "no."
TYPE_NAME                 "type name"
UNIT_NAME                 "unit name"
ACT                       "act"
BIAS                      "bias"
ST                        "st"
POSITION                  "position"
SUBNET                    "subnet"
LAYER                     "layer"
ACT_FUNC                  "act func"
OUT_FUNC                  "out func"
SITES                     "sites"
SITE_NAME                 "site name"
SITE_FUNCTION             "site function"
NAME                      "name"
TARGET                    "target"
SITE                      "site"
SOURCE:WEIGHT             "source:weight"
UNIT_NO                   "unitNo."
DELTA_X                   "delta x"
DELTA_Y                   "delta y"
Z                         "z"
LLN                       "LLN"
LUN                       "LUN"
TROFF                     "Troff"
SOFF                      "Soff"
CTYPE                     "Ctype"

INTEGER                   ["0"-"9"]+                                     /*integer */
SFLOAT                    ["+" | " " | "-"] ["1" | "0"] "." ["0"-"9"]{5} /*signed float*/ 
STRING                    ("A"-"Z" | "a"-"z" | "|")+                     /*string */
Tue Nov 28 10:30:44 MET 1995