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Form of the Network File Entries


Columns are separated by the string SPM_amp | &. A row never exceeds 250 characters.

Strings may have arbitrary length. The compiler determines the length of each row containing strings (maximum string length + 2). Within the columns, the strings are stored left adjusted. Strings may not contain blanks, but all special characters except SPM_amp|&. The first character of a string has to be a letter.

Integers may have an arbitrary number of digits. Cell numbers are always positive and not zero. Position coordinates may be positive or negative. The compiler determines the length of each row containing integers (maximum digit number + 2). Within the columns, the numbers are stored right adjusted.

Floats are always stored in fixed length with the format SPM_ampVx.yyyyy&, where V is the sign (+, - or blank), x is 0 or 1 and y is the rational part (5 digits behind the decimal point).

Rows containing floats are therefore always 10 characters long (8 + 1 blank on each side).

If a row contains several sites in the type or unit definition section, they are written below each other. They are separated in the following way: Directly after the first site follows a comma and a newline (SPM_amp&). The next line starts with an arbitrary number of blanks or tabs in front of the next site.

The source of a connection is described by a pair, the cell number and the strength of the connection. It always has the format SPM_ampnnn:Vx.yyyyy& with the following meaning:

The compiler determines the width of the column nnn by the highest cell number present. The cell numbers are written into the column right adjusted (according to the rules for integers). The column SPM_ampVx.yyyyy& has fixed width. Several source pairs in an entry to the connection definition section are separated by a comma and a blank. If the list of source pairs exceeds the length of one line, the line has to be parted after the following rule:

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Tue Nov 28 10:30:44 MET 1995