Many generations of students grew up execrating Statistics (and the Statistics teachers). They asked themselves many times: why should have they to learn concepts like probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, correlation, analysis oif variance and so on. Many of those students never really understood these concepts, many of them actually quit their courses due to Statistics... Why? The blame belongs only to the students? Didn't they realize the importance of Statistics? They didn't study enough? The teachers were the problem?
Whatever, maybe the matter is the approach used to teach Statistics: nowadays, with the availability of computer and packages, the "old methods" of teaching may be obsolete. In Brazil we don't have much money to expend in superior education (or any education), so we cannot leave the traditional methods totally, but we can aggregate new methodologies that makes learning simpler and faster.
As a Statistics teacher, I am interested in all teaching techniques that make possible to improve the learning quality, specially those using computational tools:
- Intelligent tutoring systems, like the STCEQ -
Tutorial System for Statistical Quality Control, developed by me during
my doctorate research.
- Use of specific computer programs to teach statistical concepts. The R environment has lots of packages to support teaching ("Teaching demos").