Aldo's Literature Page

Veröffentlichungen/ Publications/ Publicações

    Cyclops Project (Knowledge-Based Image Understanding


  1. von Wangenheim A., Wille P.R., Communello E., Bittencourt P.C., Krechel D., Wagner H.: Identificação Automatizada de Lesões Intracranianas Associadas com Neurocisticercose em Pacientes Epilépticos. Bio Tecnologia - Ciencia & Desenvolvimento, vol 14, Mai./Jun. 2000,  Editora KL3 , Brasilia, Brazil, ISSN 1414-4522 (trabalho aceito para publicação)

  3. v.Wangenheim A.; Wagner H.; Conrad P.; Richter M.M.; Comunello E; Krechel D: A Knowledge-Based Approach for Failure Detection and Correction of Partially Failed Segmentations of Radiological Images, BVM´2000 - Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2000, Munique, Alemanha, Março, 2000.

  4. K.; Reidenbach, D.; Krechel, D.; v.Wangenheim, A. V.;  Comunello, E.; Blasinger, K.; Faber:  A Workflow Component for Knowledge Management in the field of Radiolocical Examinations  BVM´2000 - Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2000, Munique, Alemanha, Março, 2000.

  5. v.Wangenheim, A.; Wagner, H.; Conrad, P.; Richter, M.M.; Krechel, D.: Detecting and Correcting Failed Segmentations of Radiological Images using a Knowledge-Based Approach. CBMS´2000 - IEEE Conference on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Houston, TX, EUA, Junho, 2000 (trabalho aceito para publicação)

  7. Maximini R., Krechel D., v.Wangenheim A.: Parallel implementation of an MR-mammography matching algorithm. CBMS´2000 - IEEE Conference on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Houston, TX, EUA, Junho, 2000 (trabalho aceito para publicação)

  8. v.Wangenheim A, De Biasi H., Silveira P.G, Maximini R., Krechel D.: 3D Reconstruction of Aortic Aneurysms for the Design of Personalized Endoluminal Protheses. 2000 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences - METMBS'2000, Las Vegas, NV, EUA, Junho, 2000 (trabalho aceito para publicação)

  9. 1999

  10. Wille PR, Walz R, Comunello E, Bittencourt PCT, von Wangenheim A. A computational method for detection and quantification of intracranial calcifications in epileptic patients due to neurocysticercosis. Epilepsia, Philadelphia , v. 40 ,  1999; 40:271.
  11. v.Wangenheim, Aldo and Krechel, Dirk; Detecção Automatizada de Câncer de Mama. Bio Tecnologia - Ciencia & Desenvolvimento, vol 7, Jan./Feb. 1999, pp. 20-24, Editora KL3 , Brasilia, Brazil, ISSN 1414-4522

  13. Aline R. Alves, Deucélia Eva Pedroso, Aldo von Wangenheim, Dirk Krechel; Registration and Visualization of MRI Head Volumes. III INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CYBERNETIC VISION, Campinas, Brasil, 1999.

  15. Dirk Krechel, Kerstin Faber, Aldo von Wangenheim, Silvio Costa Sampaio:Object-Oriented Implementation of a DICOM Client in Smalltalk. CBMS99 - 12th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Stamford, USA, 1999.

  16. E. Comunello, A. von Wangenheim, J.M. Barreto, P.S. Borges, P.R. Wille, P.C. Bittencourt, D. Krechel, K.Faber: CT Scans with Neurocysticercosis in Epileptics Patients: a Computer-Based Method for Detection and Quantification. CBMS99 - 12th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Stamford, USA, 1999.

  17. D. Pedroso, A. von Wangenheim, D. Krechel: Automatic Registration of MRI Head Volumes using an Octree Anatomical Atlas. CBMS99 - 12th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Stamford, USA, 1999.

  18. K. Faber, D. Krechel, E. Communello, A. von Wangenheim: A detection and classification system for neurocysticercosis in CT scans using neural networks and computer vision. CARS99 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - 13th International Congress and Exhibition, Paris, France, 1999.

  19. 1998

  20. Dirk Krechel, Felix Hess, Ralf Comes, Aldo v. Wangenheim, Klaus Blasinger:Mammalyzer II: A Decision Support System for Early Detecion of Breast Cancer in Contrast Enhanced MRI, in Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 1998, Aachen 1998, Springer Informatik Aktuell

  22. Dirk Krechel, Christian Pape, Felix Hess,Aldo v. Wangenheim: Ein Ansatz zur Behandlung nicht erfuellter Erwartungen bei der Konfiguration von Bilddeutungsverfahren, GMDS Jahrestagung, Bremen, Germany, 1998, E. Greiser, M. Wischnewsky: Methoden der Medizinischen Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in der modernen Informationsgesellschaft, 43. Jahrestagung der GMDS Bremen, MMV Medien & Medizin Verlag, ISBN 3-8208-1335-7, pages 59-62, 1998. [PostScript]

  24. Felix Hess, Dirk Krechel, Leine Nakashima, Aldo v. Wangenheim: Monte-Carlo based Reduction of Motion in Contrast Agent enhanced MR-Mammographies, 43. GMDS Jahrestagung Bremen, Germany, 1998, in E. Greiser, M. Wischnewsky: Methoden der Medizinischen Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in der modernen Informationsgesellschaft, MMV Medien & Medizin Verlag, ISBN 3-8208-1335-7, pages 313-316 [PostScript]

  25. 1997

  26. v.Wangenheim, Aldo; Barreto, Jorge M.; Richter, Michael M.; Krechel, Dirk: Cyclops - Expert System Shell for the Development of Applications in the Area of Medical Image Analysis, in: Jähnichen; Lucena (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th German-Brazilian Workshop on Information Technology. Edited by: DLR - German International Bureau for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology and CNPq - The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Porto Alegre/Berlin, 1997

  28. v.Wangenheim, Aldo and Krechel, Dirk; Mammalyzer: Detecção Automatizada de Câncer de Mama. SBIA97 - Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, July, 1997.

  29. 1996

  30. Huwer, Stefan, v. Wangenheim, Aldo; MAMMALYZER: An Approach for Automatic Detection of Breast Canceerby Analyzing Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Mamographie, AAAI Spring Symposium - AIM, Stanford-University, March, 1996.

  32. Krechel Dirk, v.Wangenheim, Aldo; Automatic Registration of MRI Head VolumesWorkshop "Automatische Analyse von Tomographie-Daten", Institut für Medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie der TU München, April, 1996.

  34. Krechel Dirk, v.Wangenheim, Aldo; Automatische Registrierung von MR Kopf-Volumen Proccedings des Aachener Workshops "Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin", Institut für Medizinische Informatik und Biometrie der RWTH Aachen, November, 1996.

  36. Huwer, Stefan, v. Wangenheim, Aldo; Data-Driven Registration for Local Deformations Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume: 17, pp. 951 -957 Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1996.

  37. 1995

  38. v. Wangenheim, Aldo, Wirz, Thomas; Cyclops: Wissensbasierte Bildauswertung am Beispiel von Kernspintomographien.Extended Abstract, Workshop "Automatische Analyse von Tomographie-Daten", Institut für Medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie der TU München, April, 1995.

  40. Gresse, Christiane, v. Wangenheim, Aldo; NaKS - Wissensbasis zur Steuerung wissensbasierter Bildauswertungsprozesse.Extended Abstract, Workshop "Automatische Analyse von Tomographie-Daten", Institut für Medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie der TU München, April, 1995.

  42. Comes, Ralf, v. Wangenheim, Aldo; Kontrolle von Bildauswertungsvorgängen in der heterogenen wissensbasierten Bildauswertungsumgebung Cyclops. Extended Abstract, Workshop "Automatische Analyse von Tomographie-Daten", Institut für Medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie der TU München, April, 1995.

  44. Huwer, Stefan, v. Wangenheim, Aldo; Ein Ansatz zur Detektion von Malignen Veränderungen der Mamma aus kontrastmittelangereicherten MRI-Aufnahmen. Extended Abstract, Workshop "Automatische Analyse von Tomographie-Daten", Institut für Medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie der TU München, April, 1995.

  45. 1993

  46. v. Wangenheim, Aldo; Cyclops - Ein Modell zur wissensbasierten Bildinterpretation am Beispiel von Kernspintomographien.KI93 Sonderheft: KI Jahrestagung 93 in "Workshop Architekturen für bildverarbeitende Systeme", Berlin, 1993

  47. Automatic Grading of Tumours (Neuropathology, Oncology, Pattern Recognition)
  48. v.Wangenheim A., Vince G.H., Kolles H., Richter M.M., Feiden W.:Grading of gliomas in stereotactic biopsies with neural networks. In: ANDREASSEN S., ENGELBRECHT R., WYATT J. (eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Proceedings of the 4th conference on artificial intelligence in medicine Europe, Munich. Studies in health technology and informatics. Vol. 10., pp 486-488, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Nederlands, 1993.

  50. Kolles H., Vince G.H., v.Wangenheim A., Niedermayer I., Feiden W.: Automated tumour grading. An example in astrocytoma grading. Analythical Cellular Pathology, Vol. 8, pp. 101-116, Elsevier Publ., The Nederlands, 1995.

  52. Kolles H., v.Wangenheim A., Rahmel J., Niedermayer I., Feiden W.: Data driven approaches for decision making in automated tumour grading. An example in astrocytoma grading. Analythical Quantitative Cytology and Histology, 1995.

  54. Kolles H., v.Wangenheim A., Niedermayer I., Feiden W.: Computergestützte Graduierung von Hirntumoren. Magazin Forschung der Universität des Saarlandes 1/1994, pp. 30-37, Saarbrücken, Germany

  56. Kolles H., v.Wangenheim A., Niedermayer I., Vince G.H., Feiden W.: Computergestützte Graduierung von Gliomen der Astrocytom/Glioblastom-Gruppe. Verh. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie, Germany,1994.

  58. Kolles H., v.Wangenheim A., Vince G.H., Herth G., Feiden W.: Automatic grading of gliomas in stereotactic biopsies. Comparison of the classification results of neuronal networks and discriminant analysis. 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuropathologie und Neuroanatomie in Berlin. Clinical Neuropathology, vol.12, pg. 253, 1993.

  60. Kolles H., v.Wangenheim A., Niedermayer I., Feiden W.: Data-driven approaches for decision making in automated tumour grading. An example in astrocytoma grading. 8 th International Symposium on Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology, Amsterdam 1994. Program and abstract book. Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1994

  62. Kolles H., v.Wangenheim A.: The Use of Neural Network Technology in Automated Grading of Astrocytoma. Pathology - Research and Practice, Vol. 194, 1998, pg. 254, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Germany, 1998.

  63. Neural Network Technologies, CBR, Software Engineering and Expert Systems

  64. v.Wangenheim, Christiane G.; v.Wangenheim, Aldo: Suporte Inteligente ao Customer Relationship Management com Raciocínio Baseado em Casos. Developer´s Magazine, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CIC, Maio, 2000

  65. v.Wangenheim, C.; v.Wangenheim, A. ; Rodrigues, M.; Barcia, R. M.  O Uso de Fábricas de Experiência em Software Engineering   Developers Magazine ,  Rio de Janeiro, RJ , v. 4 , n. 39 , p. 10 -15 , 1999

  66. v.Wangenheim, Christiane G.; v.Wangenheim, Aldo; Barcia, Ricardo M.: Case-Based Reuse of Software Measurement Planes. SEKE98 - 10th INternational Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Redwood City, CA, USA, 1998.

  67. Rahmel J, v.Wangenheim A: KoDiag: A Connectionist Expert System, IEEE International Symposium on Integrating Knowledge and Neural Heuristics, Pensacola, Florida, 1994.

  69. v.Wangenheim, A., Rahmel, J. Fallklassifikation und Fehlerdiagnose mit Kohonen-Netzen; Proceedings des Workshops "Ähnlichkeit von Fällen", Universität Kaiserslautern, 1992.

  71. Rahmel J, v. Wangenheim A, Wess s: KODIAG: Fallbasierte Diagnose mit KOHONEN Netzen. GI Workshop Fälle in hybriden Systemen, Kaiserslautern, 1992.

  73. v.Wangenheim: Fallbasierte Klassifikation mit Kohonen Netzen. Workshop "Fälle in der Diagnostik", XPS-93 - "Deutsche Jahrestagung für Expertensysteme", Hamburg, Februar 1993.

  75. Rahmel J, v.Wangenheim A: The KoDiag System: Case-Based Diagnosis with Kohonen Networks. In: Lisboa PJG, Taylor MJ: Proceedings of the Workshop on Neural Networks Applications and Tools, Liverpool, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993 ("Student Prize" award)

  76. Books & Reports
  77. v.Wangenheim, A., Wendel, O. [Eds.]: Theorie und Praxis Neuronaler Netze. Report IB 240/94, FB Informatik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, 1994.

  79. v. Wangenheim A.: Dicionário Técnico de Informática Alemão-Português/ Português-Alemão/ /Wörterbuch der Informatik: Deutsch-Portugiesisch/ Portugiesisch-Deutsch, 252 pg., Editora da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil, Dezember 1993.

  81. v. Wangenheim A.: Cyclops - Wissensbasierte Bildanalyse in der Medizin - ISBN 3-89601-147-2 , INFIX-Verlag (Bonn, Germany) DISKI Series, Volume 147, 360 pages, 1997

  82. Software Business and Entrepreneurship
  83. v.Wangenheim, Aldo: Florianópolis, a Ilha do Silício ?. Jornal A Notícia, Maio, 2000, Joinville, Brasil.

  84. v.Wangenheim, Aldo: Centro GeNESS - A Criação de uma Incubadora de Novas Empresas de Informática em Florianópolis. Proceedings of I Semana Tecnologica da UNIVALI, Universidade do Vale do Itajai, Florianópolis, Brazil, October 1997.

  86. v.Wangenheim, Aldo, de Ferreira Rezende, Fernando:A Proposal of a Cooperation Model between Brazil and Germany in the Area of Informatics based on Offshore Programming. 1st Workshop on the "Brazilian-German Programme on Information Technology", GMD, Berlin, 1993

  87. Popular Computer Magazines
  88. Aldo von Wangenheim: Cleveres Comeback - Bilder finden durch automatische Inhaltsanalyse. c´t - Magazin für Computer Technik, Vol 2, 1997, pp. 274 - 276, Heinz-Heise Verlag, Hannover, Germany.

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