Ciclo do RBC segundo Agnar Aamodt

Mobile Applications

Filosofia da Disciplina

Atividades e Material 2009.3

INE 609904 - Tópicos Especiais em Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos para Dispositivos Móveis
1. Filosofia da Disciplina

Esta disciplina será oferecida no contexto do INCoD - Instituto Nacional de Convergência Digital (em Saúde). Ela será ministrada em inglês em conjunto pelos Profres. Peter Barth (Prof. Visitante da Universidade de Tecnologia de Wiesbaden, Alemanha) e Aldo von Wangenheim, diretor do INCoD.  À exceção desta página aqui, todas as páginas deste site são em inglês.

1.1. Course Overview

In this course, you'll learn about designing and implementing mobile applications. We focus on the JavaME platform where Software Development Kits are readily available. At the end of the course you can decide which technologies to use for a given problem area and you will be able to build a networked mobile application including user interface, data storage, network communications and depending on the project additional platform tools such as location-based services, bluetooth communication, etc.

1.2. Prerequisites

Students enlisting should have a solid understanding of and experience with object-oriented design and programming preferably in Java. Some understanding of networking infrastructure from an application developers perspective is helpful. There will be two hour lectures plus two hours practicals. After six weeks students will focus on a mobile applications project in small groups and present one specific JavaME topic to the group.

Grading: 70% project, 30% presentation

1.3. Contents

  1. Mobile infrastructure: Network infrastructure, mobile devices, mobile software platforms
  2. Introduction to JavaME: Runtime environment and configurations, profiles and packages, Sun Wireless Toolkit/JavaME SDK
  3. Thread-Programming Essentials and MIDlets 
  4. Mobile UI-Design and LCD-UI
  5. Generic Connection Framework and Network access
  6. Canvas-based Uis and Game-API
  7. Special topics: Bluetooth, PIM, Location-based services, Android Development, ...

1.4. Literature

  1. Java ME on Symbian OS: Inside the Smartphone Model, Roy Ben Hayun, Symbian Press, 2009
  2. Beginning Java™ ME Platform, Ray Rischpater, Apress, 2008
  3. User interface design guidelines : J2ME, Barbara Ballard, Lawrence, 2005
  4. Java ME Site
  5. Java2ME ou J2ME - Tutoriais de Programação em português
The Cyclops Project